Sesame seeds have been used in bread and bakery products for centuries - usually to extract oil from sesame seeds and use them to make laddoos and other foods - but according to recent research, sesame seeds Oil has many benefits, the use of which not only keeps the human skin and hair healthy, but also can be used to relieve joint pain in the cold season.


Benefits of Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is extracted from sesame seeds by grinding them. Sesame seeds are actually sold which are obtained from sesame flowers and its oil is considered as the queen of all other oils obtained from plants. Probably because it is the best in terms of benefits.


1: Contains antioxidants

Sesame oil contains two antioxidants that help in the formation of new cells in the body and at the same time removes toxins from the body and protects against the risk of heart attack.


2: Eliminates internal and external inflammation

It contains ingredients that eliminate inflammation between the joints in cold weather, which makes it easier to move and burn the joints on the one hand and reduces joint pain on the other. Is-


3: Relieves constipation

Constipation is a disease that causes many dangerous diseases from which sesame oil not only relieves without any side effects but also prevents constipation from occurring.


4: For glowing and radiant skin

Sesame oil is rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin E has a very positive effect on human skin. On the one hand, it slows down the process of wrinkles and at the same time cleanses and brightens the blemishes on the skin. And makes transparent-

5: Controls blood sugar levels

Sesame oil has the amazing property that its regular use lowers blood sugar levels and it has been shown to be very useful for patients with type 2 diabetes and its regular use for eight to ten days. Has significantly reduced blood sugar levels.


How to use sesame oil

Sesame oil can be used in a variety of ways and can be cooked and eaten for its benefits.

In addition, in case of pain, it is also beneficial to massage the painful area.

For healthy hair and skin, massage on the skin and hair can also be beneficial.

Mixing a teaspoon of oil in a glass of water and drinking it not only relieves constipation but also helps in relieving joint pain.

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