Irfan Javed and I have long conversations on the telephone every night. They mention the latest books and I tell them about last night's movie or the story of a city, a village or a place where I went and I He saw something new there. He is a government employee but he has an intellectual in his soul. He is a sincere person. He works all day in office. He signs files. He attends meetings. But as soon as evening falls. The sincere man and the intellectual inside him wakes up and keeps floating in books and thoughts till he goes to sleep. When I called him last night, it was about the new President of the United States, Joe Biden.

"The whole country is copying Google on Joe Biden," he said. "They pick up content from Google about the new president of the United States and translate it." No one tells readers anything new. "I laughed," he said. "Joe Biden is known and understood by only one Pakistani. He is Hussein Haqqani and he is banned in Pakistan. He laughed." I said, "But now Hussein Haqqani's sentence will end "You will soon see Imran Khan's right and left." He laughed. "Why him?" I asked. "This is the only bridge that can unite the government with the new president of the United States." Haqqani is aware of his value. He is a very clever man. He will now cast a net on Imran Khan and the Prime Minister will not be able to escape from this net. Irfan Javed is a non-political intellectual. He is getting bored and so we come back to Joe Biden.

"I'm surprised that Biden doesn't drink alcohol even though he's American," I said, laughing. "They don't even smoke cigarettes." Irfan Javed laughed. "I know," he said. Will be surprised behind America None of the 11 presidents drank alcohol or cigarettes, including Donald Trump. They also don't drink alcohol or cigarettes. 

President George W. Bush spent his youth a great maniac. He became an alcoholic at first, but then He recovered and had been an alcoholic for 29 years by the time he became president. Trump also had flaws, but he also did not smoke or drink alcohol. Second, 10 of the 11 presidents of the United States also wrote books, and these were books. "They had regular libraries in their homes and rooms and they read books as well as exercised daily," said Biden, who served as vice president under President Obama. "Whenever he came to see Obama, Obama accompanied him to the White House." Used to jog in corridors and lawns. The video of jogging is viral when Bill Clinton and George W. Bush used to leave their security guards behind while jogging. 

Irfan Javed laughed and said, "What are these people?" "It's not just about presidents, it's about 22 top US CEOs and chairmen who don't drink alcohol or smoke," I said. He also exercises, reads books every day, lectures at universities and does welfare work. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are the richest and busiest people in the world. Bill Gates reads 80 books a year. They finish two books a week while Warren Buffett reads four to five hours a day. These 22 CEOs also drive their own cars. They only take the driver with them to official lunches, dinners and events. Under normal circumstances, they drive alone and stand in line to get burgers and coffee and buy their own bargains for their home.

These habits are also in the 2,624 billionaires of the United States. They own their own ships and islands. But they also see people running on the streets. They are also the first viewers of every new book and every new movie. They spend at least eight hours a week in the gym and on the field. Have you ever had alcohol in their hands? Glass or cigarettes will not be visible. You will also find them helping the poor, the helpless, the helpless and the disabled and fighting for the rights of animals and birds. However, "they are also against wars and diseases and working to eliminate environmental pollution."

Our discussion then turned to books. If we were to one day become the First and Third World and successful and unsuccessful people. If we analyze the habits of the people, we will come across surprising facts. We sit in societies like Pakistan and think that when a person develops, it works politically or it has billions of rupees. Alcohol, 'cigarettes and cigars must be smoked', he would lie down all day and he would give voice to someone for tissue paper and he would have to have drivers and guards in his life and now he has to read 'run'.

There is no need to play and get in line. This is a third world thinking and you will see this thinking in every part of the country while the thinking and lifestyle of the first world is very different. It is unthinkable that a person in the country should be powerful, famous and wealthy and he should not be an intellectual and he should not be physically fit, he should not be humble and humble and he should be honest and polite. Yes, and it does not do its job on its own and it suffers from some immorality or some bad habit. Europeans think that these are the habits of failed and bad people and these habits are among the powerful, famous and successful people of our country. We can't do it when we think that no powerful, famous and successful person in our country can be honest, civilized, educated and healthy. He can't even drive his own car.

It will not bring its own interest and it will not read books and it will not walk and jog and it will not meet people and it is a failed thinking that does not allow us to succeed. We serve our guests in our own home. Me or my son puts tea and food in front of the guest and we serve it ourselves whether the guest is young or old. All our guests are on our "poor thinking" Surprised, but I answer them every time, "If we can't even serve our guests with our own hands, then we have no right to be called human." You may be surprised to know that Both my sons have been trained as waiters. They are also professional waiters. My friends do not like this move of mine but wherever I have gone in the world, I have seen big people serving their guests.

I met Bill Gates and Lee Ia Coca. They were making their own coffee and serving it to their guests, and there was not a shred of their glory. B. We play with others at the car door and we don't consider ourselves important until we get to bed. We have to admit that if America is America today, it is because of American habits. It divides people into two habits: people with good habits and people with bad habits. In America, if you are educated, polite, honest, punctual, physically and mentally fit and constantly accustomed to striving.

Whether you are white or black, whether your name is Barack Hussein Obama or Kamala Harris, no power in the world can stop you from reaching the highest heights. But if you are lazy, frustrated, sick, dishonest, rude and incompetent No matter what family you belong to, American society will reject you. Be it business or political failure, you will be doomed. Take the example of Obama and his brothers. Bernard used to run a small property business in America. George Barack Hussein Obama has twice been president of the United States, while his brother has lived in the lower middle class in the United States. Arj and Bernard could not reach the White House and no one could stop Barack Hussein Obama from reaching the White House and this is America and this is the real key to development. You adopt ten good habits and all the closed doors will open for you.

If you belong to the Kennedy family and if your habits are not good then no one will be able to save you and your family from drowning. This is the only way to work in the world. You will be fine. You will definitely get the fruits of it and if you go astray then your destiny will be nothing but ruin. If you are not sure then test and see if you can achieve success like H2O. This formula will be the same everywhere.

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