It was basically a project of three young people, their names were Nigel Oaks, Alexander Nix and Alexander Oaks. They are all British and experts in data and global election management. Before I go any further, let me tell you about the world. All the big data companies offer their services for free. Take Google and Facebook. Google has a brand value of 3 323 billion. You can estimate how much this is by just one fact.

Pakistan borrowed 3 billion from Saudi Arabia to save its total economy. Saudi Arabia has repaid 1 billion.

 On the other hand, if Google sells only its name and logo, it will get 32 ​​323 billion. Google employs 120,000 people. Facebook has a brand value of 40 40 billion and employs 52,500 people. While these two companies provide free services to the whole world. Now the question is how do these two companies meet their billions of dollars and how is their brand value increasing? It's straightforward that these companies sell their customers' data. When we use these applications, our data comes to them. Our likes and dislikes also go to their servers. This information is then passed on to different brands. They sell and make billions of dollars from it. This business is called data business or data analysis business and these three young people are involved in this business. They were running a data company called SCL based in London. "They did election management work. They also leaked voter data to political parties and told them about voter trends. In 2013, Jonathan Peter Marland, a former Conservative minister, joined them.

Maryland later persuaded billionaire businessman Vincent Tenguez to persuade American investor Robert Mercer to invest in SCL. A new company was registered in the UK called Cambridge Analytica The company set up offices in London, New York and Washington, and in 2014 began work in 44 constituencies in the US Congress and Senate.

He would analyze the trends of the voters and then show them pictures, advertisements and movies of his candidates according to their trends. For example, suppose Philip is a voter and he has a special interest in dogs. Cambridge Analytica He only showed pictures of his candidate on the Mail and WhatsApp, in which he stood with Philip's will dogs, so much so that he began to take an interest in the candidate, and so he voted for him.

Cambridge Analytica won the election for its clients in 44 constituencies with this technique. It was a great achievement. In 2015, Ted Cruz of Texas entered the presidential race. Ted got the services of Cambridge Analytica and this big They came up fast but unfortunately did not reach the last step but the idea went from Ted to Donald Trump and Donald Trump got the services of Cambridge Analytica in 2015.

The company created 270,000 accounts on Facebook in the United States, obtained data on 87 million American voters and began injecting them with Trump. These people told Hindus about Trump's only Hinduism. He shared ideas and showed Trump's policy on black rights to blacks, conveyed Trump's withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan to the families of martyrs, and informed white citizens about Trump's whiteness. 

People would take to the streets or watch this television, they would see Hillary Popular, but when they turned on their mobile phones or computers, they would see Trump everywhere. This is the result. On November 9, 2016, Donald Trump won against expectations. And Hillary Clinton lost. Donald Trump's victory was a surprise. When the media launched a search, the Cambridge Anna Latika came to light, and when it was investigated, Khara went to Facebook to launch an investigation against Mark Zuckerberg. The investigation revealed that Cambridge Analytica's activities were not limited to the United States but also managed the Bridget issue.

It also used the Internet to separate Britain from the European Union. It also found that Cambridge Analytica had so far rigged 200 elections in 68 countries on social media, including Australia, Thailand and Indonesia. Malaysia, Colombia, Cyprus, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Czech Republic, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, Brazil, India and Pakistan are also included. Had stolen state elections.

He had created 355 fake Facebook accounts and collected data of 562,453 voters in Bihar and put these voters in the account of Janata Dal candidate Nitish Kumar and it was won by SCL and later Cambridge. Anna Latika had also quoted Narendra Modi as saying that when the British research institutes obtained the data of Cambridge Analytica, it was found that the company has worked in 68 countries and these countries include Pakistan. Provided services to a major political party.

Who was this party? You can find out the list of friends of Vincent Tenguez, the chief financier of the company. You will not need more information. However, this scandal came to light and Cambridge Analytica was banned. If you search the company, you will find the name of Pakistan in the list of 68 countries. You will remember that after 2014, social media terrorism started suddenly in Pakistan. Politicians and journalists were targeted indiscriminately. Was

It was a scary time. Every respectable person was stripped naked and pushed into the bathroom. Who was doing that? It was the perfection of the whole Cambridge Anna Latika. It also leaked data to its clients and then threw material against this politician, officer and journalist on every wall and in a few minutes the whole country abused this person Why is this trend declining after 2018? Because Cambridge Analytica was shut down and its services were terminated.

We now turn to the recent US election. Donald Trump lost this election badly and Joe Biden won. It is difficult for Donald Trump to accept this defeat. Why? Because they understand that I have fulfilled all the promises I made to my constituents in the 2016 election. I am the only president in American history who has fought white people in the country. I am the white American people. At the request of the US, it blocked the way for foreign immigrants, started deporting Muslims and chanted the slogan "America is American".

I am the only president out of ten presidents of the United States during which the United States did not fight a new war and I started the withdrawal of troops but I still lost the election and the people are celebrating my defeat. 'Why? Isn't that weird? It's really weird, but even more bizarre is the victory of 77-year-old Joe Biden. The American people prefer young leaders to older politicians, but this time the American people voted against Joe Biden against their nature. Surprised the world Trump is also surprised at this time.

He is the 11th president in US history not to run for a second term. The last president was George W. Bush Sr. The people did not elect him for a second term in 1992 because of the Iraq war. What a surprise, but why? The point is straightforward. This time, Cambridge Analytica was not behind Trump. Trump could not work his magic on the voters. After Trump, now it is Modi's turn. They too are now forced into politics without Cambridge Analytica.

Even though they are being badly discredited, thank God Imran Khan does not need Cambridge Analytica. The people really love him. So if bad governance, inflation and political folly increase in the country. There will be no decrease in the popularity of the government. The people will continue to love their captain in the same way. Why? Because this love of the people is real, it does not need any Cambridge Analytica or any Vincent Tenguez.

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