We are breathing into a global moral landscape where from WHO experts to human and women's rights activists and from nearly 200 nation-states to major sociology, society and ethics organizations agree. It is said that a girl who is in her teens, from thirteen to nineteen years of age, is required to have all kinds of illicit sex, to have children as a result, It is generally permissible to raise a child alone by working hard, but in no country can parents be allowed to marry this girl at an early age. If a girl starts living in a "developed" country on her own without marriage, in the meantime she bears the burden of having an illegitimate child, then any Western country in the world or a Westernized intellectual deserves some kind of punishment. No, governments have provided countless services to facilitate this "illegitimate" relationship.

Government and non-government organizations are working to raise awareness of the psychological and physical complications of falling in love with girls who fall in love during adolescence. Young couples are given information about safe sex, then contraceptive pills to avoid the blessing of a sudden birth during emotional turmoil. A network of guidance and counseling services has been set up to protect the mental health of such girls. Due to the short duration of these "illegal" relationships, teenage girls suffer from a range of psychological problems, ranging from self-harm, depression and anxiety to suicide.

 The main reason for the instability of these relationships without marriage is often blamed on the offspring, which arises in the critical emotional phase of the relationship. If the couple happily accepts it as a sign of their love, life will be happier for a few more months or years, otherwise from the first day of this notification, the efforts to save the child begin. A network of "abortion" services has been set up to facilitate this "critical killing" as well. Overwhelmed by the innate feelings of motherly compassion, if a girl intends to raise her "illegitimate" child alone, all the anger of the infidelity of the playful lover falls on the innocent. In all the civilized western countries of the world, the highest rate of child abuse is found in unmarried teenage mothers. The future of children born as a result of such "illicit relationships" depends on whether their father, mother or both leave them and put their arms around their next companion.

In whose circumstances will this innocent be at the mercy of whom? Since the state has protected the entire process of the birth of this "illegitimate child", a network of innumerable institutions has been set up for the upbringing of the child born as a result of this process. Shelters are sometimes called Foster Homes and sometimes Abandoned baby homes. The entire state, civil society, human rights and women's rights watchdogs, all diligently arrange for the provision of all these "services", to the disadvantages and confusions arising from the "illicit relations between young men and women". Be able to remove But no person or organization seems to be discussing the ethics, society, environment and family values ​​of these relationships.

The number of unmarried children among young girls is so high and alarming that the number of mothers seems to be equal to the population of a small continent. According to the Gallup World Poll, there are currently 13 out of every 100 young girls in the world, including all continents, who have children born as a result of these illicit relationships and whose "respected father" "They are gone and poor mothers are raising them. These figures are from 140 countries. In all of these continents, the United States and Canada alone account for 19% of such single mothers. That is, one in five girls is raising an "illegitimate" child whose father has left her to follow in the footsteps of another girlfriend. In South American countries, the number is even more alarming, with 30 percent, or one in three young children, having children whose birth registration is not legal in many countries. This terrible trend is growing all over the world.

The data on unmarried mothers collected by all research institutes in the United States has been compiled by the Child Trend Data Bank. According to this, the number of unmarried mothers was 5% in 1960, while it increased to 33% in 1995 and 41% in 2008. Statistics for the next 12 years are not available, but it is estimated that every second woman in the United States is raising an "illegitimate" child. There is no age restriction in these civilized countries for having illicit relations of one's own free will.

The main reason for this is that the whole building of relationships in Western civilization is based on the principle that "every physical relationship is respectable, honorable and legal that comes into being by the will and intention of both." And establish a boy or a seventy-year-old and old. This relationship is not a crime in any secular, democratic and liberal society. That is why the complications that arise as a result of this "crime" are called hazards. It is also legal to prevent or deal with their effects.

A 60-year-old boy can live as he pleases with a 14-year-old girl and have children out of wedlock. If a 70-year-old man from the showbiz or fashion industry does that, it becomes a delightful thriller in every newspaper and channel in the world. To justify all this "business of emotions", the testimony of a teenage girl between the ages of thirteen and nineteen is enough: "I am doing all this on my own," but all the countries around the world, Health doctors are united and agree that a minor cannot be married off by her parents, even if it is according to her wishes. A girl can have an illegitimate child by fighting for love with an adult, but if she goes to a court or church to get married, she will be arrested. This is the world that likes to eat fruit that is cluttered with dirt and filth and hates pure fruit.

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